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A global perspective is provided by International Marketing, which discusses the foundation principles of marketing in a global context (international context). In this course, students will learn about the special characteristics of international markets and explore the forces that shape international business.
comprehensive computerized business simulation and analysis of the case using MYOB PERDISCO
Change refers to the measures taken by a firm or business to modify a major aspect of its operation, This assignment involves 2 case study reports
There are many aspects to this subject that will help students understand Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Modelling, Data Conversions, BI tools, and technologies.
Research and discuss ethical philosophy's basic theories, then apply them to a variety of scenarios
During this course, the students will gain knowledge and expertise in the following topics: Requirement Analysis & Modelling, Problem-Solving, Creative and Critical Thinking, Project Management, Change, and Risk Management.
Real-time big data sets can be managed in real-time through a variety of methodologies, applications, and processes described in this course. By learning about big data and related analytical methods, you will gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
This subject will introduce you to the fundamentals of OSI network models and the role of cyber security in securing information systems. This course will emphasize the importance of security services, the role of personnel, and encryption for secure internet communication.
Federation University offers ITECH 7201 Software Engineering-Analysis and Design, a course that teaches scholars about different software engineering and programming concepts. In the information technology area of study, Federation University attracts many students every year.
Students will gain an understanding of enterprise systems during this subject. A wide range of topics is covered in this subject, such as Business functions, Business process design, Process modeling, Enterprise content management, ERP systems, ERP functional areas, ERP technology & architecture, ERP workflow tools, and CRM applications.
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